Taking on a category giant to
reach animal enthusiasts

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What they were up against

A division of Cargill, Nutrena offers nutritional products for animal owners living primarily in exurban and rural markets. The products are sold through agricultural retailers and manufactured and distributed at the regional level, which contributed to clutter and confusion across the brand portfolio. Strong competition from category giant, Purina, and other regional mills, reinforced the need to develop a more succinct and differentiated brand position.

How we helped

We developed a new master brand strategy to drive stronger, more consistent affinity with consumers and retailers. A new brand position – Be Sure –  led to new packaging, point-of-sale materials and digital properties. We also led the internal rollout to ensure early buy-in and engagement from employees. An external brand campaign followed with the tagline “What’s Inside Counts” with a phased rollout of retail communications, print, video content, social media and partner promotions. Results included a 17% increase in website page views, a 537% increase in blog traffic, a 115% increase in dealer locator traffic and a 54% increase in requests for specialized information. In addition, Nutrena was named “growth business of the year” within Cargill’s overall Animal Nutrition division.


Brand Guidelines

Print Executions


Mobile Apps

Package Design

Digital Tools

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