Changing the category with a
new model for patient care.

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What they were up against

CTCA was the first oncology hospital to offer integrated, whole-person cancer care. Despite many treatment advances, delivery of cancer care from large, traditional providers like Mayo, Cleveland Clinic and MD Anderson, focused on the operational needs of providers, not the human needs of the patient. CTCA needed to highlight its superior patient experience for those enduring a battle with cancer.

How We Helped

Over our 17-year partnership, we’ve helped CTCA expand from a single hospital to a five-hospital national network, achieve 97% national US household awareness and rank as high as #4 in the widely acclaimed YouGov BrandIndex Survey of America’s Best Perceived Brands – top among all hospitals, with 87% of new patients being a direct result of our efforts.

Our latest campaign took CTCA back to its roots with a brand refresh based on the “Mother Standard of Care” – a core tenet within the hospital’s DNA.

Work we did:

  • Brand Strategy
  • Creative
  • Testimonials
  • Direct Response
  • Digital Engagement

Brand Anthem Video


Print Executions


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