Building the brand from the inside out.

Getting advisors on board, engaged and inspired.

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What they were up against.

Ameriprise had enjoyed its position as the largest financial planning organization in the world. As the company rebranded from American Express Financial Services to Ameriprise Financial Services, a rift appeared in its ranks. Although financial planning had emerged as a cornerstone for the brand, many of Ameriprise’s 10,000 advisors questioned the value of the effort required by the planning process. Instead, they continued to rely on old habits and the pushing of product.

A critical aspect of any brand relaunch would be winning the hearts and minds of the advisors. Without them, success would be impossible. Ameriprise would have its chance at the first annual brand immersion experience hosted by Yamamoto.

What we did to help.

We designed and produced a brand experience that took over the event and spanned two floors of the Ameriprise Financial Client Service Center. Centered around the company’s “Dream > Plan > Track” planning approach, it showed advisors the importance of planning, using their own words. From the lobby to the escalators to the conference reception area, we installed graphics that spoke to the benefit of financial planning. Wall murals, revolving displays, ceiling banners, dimensional super-graphics, glass panels and video screens worked together to cement key messages. Exhibits highlighted environmental design elements that advisors could use in their own offices to create a consistent look and feel. Finally, we created a video room where successful advisors shared their own planning stories via interviews broadcast during the conference and online after the event.

Advisor Recruitment Kit

Advisor Recruitment Brochures

College Career Fair Advisor Recruitment Materials

Environmental Displays

What happened next.

The conference and brand training put Ameriprise and its advisors on the same page. By demonstrating a dedication to planning, the brand experience improved advisors’ understanding of the financial planning process and inspired commitment across the advisor network. Before the event, advisors were surveyed on seven key indicators of commitment and trust. After the event, they were surveyed again. Results showed significant increases ranging from 33% to 42% across all indicators. Our work not only increased planning metrics, it won the Chairman’s Award for effectiveness.

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