What they were up against.
Rinehart Racing makes aftermarket exhaust systems for bikes made in America, offering cutting-edge, high-end parts exclusively for Harley-Davidson and Indian motorcycles. Enthusiasts swear by Rinehart’s quality and NASCAR pedigree, but the brand was experiencing increased pressure from companies who serve all brands and who offer highly-competitive pricing. Rinehart was in need of a more unique positioning to gain momentum and keep up with competitors.
What we did to help.
While Rinehart had superior performance and styling, sound was the real emotional driver. So sound took center stage as we refreshed their website. We created an online Sound Sampler, an innovative microsite that allows riders to hear exactly what their Rinehart pipes will sound like, idling, cruising or racing. We depicted Rinehart’s unique sound by highlighting “sound wave” imagery across all campaign elements including a new brand position, dealer materials, visually dramatic print executions, a new product catalog, collateral materials and online ads. We also partnered with Rinehart to create brand experiences at national shows including Daytona Bike Week, Sturgis, the International Motorcycle Show and NASCAR events.

What happened next.
Rinehart had their most successful year in sales, outpacing category leader Vance & Hines. At Daytona Bike Week, the digital campaign had record-breaking results, generating 1.7 million ad impressions with an outstanding CTR of 0.20%, exceeding the industry benchmark of 0.08%. This success continued with a national brand awareness campaign and targeted digital campaign for the Sturgis bike rally, with average CTRs of .20% and 8.75 million impressions. Rinehart Racing is experiencing increases in brand recall, top-of-mind awareness, retail traffic, social engagement and sales at key events.